Master universitari alla European Law & Governance School

6 borse di studio per l'A.A. 2020/2021

6 Scholarships for Italian Nationals@ELGS

Due to the Covid-19 conditions the ELGS announces that all degrees (also taught degrees such as LLM and MA) are offered both in situ and online.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic offers 6 Scholarships for Italian Nationals for the European Law and Governance School Postgraduate Programs covering one-year tuition fees for the academic year 2020/21 (classes start mid October 2020):


ELGS MASTER OF STUDIES Distance Learning Research Degree
Master of Studies (research degree) The ELGS Master of Studies is a 1-year degree program which enables students from their home countries without the need to commute to conduct independent research in the fields of Legal Research, Governance Studies, or on an interdisciplinary topic. It is supported by the expansive ELGS International Faculty network of over 100 legal and governance scholars and practitioners worldwide, the ELGS’ Partner Universities across Europe and the world, and the EPLO. Successful applicants will be assigned a supervisor, based upon their academic interests, from the renown International Faculty Network of the ELGS. ➤➤

LLM in EU Law: A one-year taught degree program aiming to offer a solid  understanding of the manner the EU works, a comprehensive vision of the main EU policy areas combined with  a spot-on analysis of some of the most dynamic policy areas. The approach followed will be essentially legal, but the political and other contextual dynamics will also be put into perspective ➤➤

MA in Governance: This  rigorous academic program combines a strong politics and governance core with a variety of choices including international relations, economics and public policy. Migration, terrorism, climate change, economic stability, and international crime – these are all examples of social challenges that local, national and international organizations in the public sector are facing and trying to manage ➤➤

Prospective students should apply through the website of the ELGS.

The selection process will be conducted jointly with the Italian MFA