Research keywords

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | Z

ability to pay (1) accounting and financial statements (1) actio in personam (1) actio in rem (1) actio negativa (1) actio  (1) action of the tax administration (1) active labour market policies (1) active welfare (1) administration work (1) administrative activities (1) administrative agreements (1) administrative and judicial precedents (1) administrative discretion (1) administrative jurisdiction (1) administrative justice (1) administrative law (2) administrative liability of legal entities stemming form criminal offences (1) administrative organization (1) administrative transparency (1) adoption law (1) age discrimination (1) agere per formulas (1) aim of punishment (1) alternative dispute resolution (1) anti-corruption (1) appeal (1) appellatio (1) armed conflicts. (1) artificial intelligence (2) artificial intelligence (smart working, digital platform work) (1) artificial reproduction technology (art) (1) assessment (1) assisted reproduction (1) atypical work (1) automated decisions (1)

bank (2) banking (1) bankruptcy (1) bibliotheca iuris antiqui (1) biobanks (1) bioethics (2) biolaw (2) biopolitics (1) biotechnology (2) bonds (1) bonorum venditio (1) boundaries (1) business (1) business crime (1) business ethics (1)

canon law (2) canon law of the latin church and of the eastern churches (1) charging/indictment (1) church history (1) citizenship (1) civil law (1) civitas, stipulationes poenales (1) cognitio extra ordinem (1) cohesion (1) collective bargaining (3) collective entities (1) colonialism (1) commercium (1) companies (1) company (3) company law (3) comparative criminal law (2) comparative labour law (2) comparative law (3) comparative legal systems (1) comparison (2) competent court (1) competition (2) competition law (1) conditions of the action (1) conflict of laws (1) consilia principum (1) constitution (1) constitutional justice (2) constitutional law (3) constitutional organization (1) constitutional principles (1) constitutional transition from fascism to a democratic state (1) constitutiones principum (1) constitutions (1) contingent perturbation of the contract (1) contract (5) contractarianism (1) controls of public administrations (1) corporate liability (1) corporate social responsibility (1) corporation (2) corruption (2) court of justice of the european union (1) credit (1) credit securities (1) crimes against humanity (1) crimes of war (1) crimina (1) criminal juvenile law (1) criminal law (4) criminal law and environmental law north africa and meaddle east (mena) (1) criminal law harmonisation (1) criminal law of economics (1) criminal negligence, precautionary principle (1) criminal offences (1) criminal procedure (1) criminal protection of environment (1) criminal protection of health and safety at work (1) criminal protection of the financial interests of the european union (1) cycle performance management (1)

damage (1) democracy (1) denial of justice (1) digital market (1) dignity and equality (1) diplomatic protection (1) disciplinary responsibility (1) discrimination (1) discrimination law (1) discriminations (1) dismissal (1) disposition acts of the body (1) division of jurisdiction (1) domestic remedies (1) donatio mortis causa (1) due diligence (1)

ecclesiastical law (1) ecclesiology (1) economic constitution. (1) economic criminal law (1) economic thought (1) economics (1) economics and humanities (1) economy and society (1) edicts (1) emigration (2) emptio-venditio (2) energy communities (1) energy labeling (1) energy law (1) energy performance contract (1) enforceability of promises (1) enforcement (1) environment (1) environmental crimes (1) environmental criminal law (1) environmental law (1) environmental protection (1) equality (1) equality and non discrimination (1) ethics, economics and market regulation (1) eu (1) eu administrative-punitive sanctions system (1) eu citizenship (1) eu court of justice (1) eu judicial cooperation in criminal matters (1) eu regional policies (1) eu social dialogue (1) eu social law (4) eugenics (1) european administrative law (1) european constitutional law (2) european court of human rights (1) european criminal law (3) european criminal law culture (1) european financial interests (1) european governance (2) european integration process (1) european ius commune (1) european private law (1) european prosecutor' (1) european social model (esm) (1) european union (1) european union law (1) exchange contract (1) extinction of the companies (1) extraterritoriality (1)

family (4) family law (3) fao (1) federal systems (1) federalism (1) feminism and international law (1) filiation (1) financial participation (1) firm (1) fiscal subsidiarity institutions (1) flexibility (1) flexible employment contracts (1) food safety (1) food safety and environment (1) freedom of expression (1) freedom of expression in the workplaces (1) freedom of movement of workers (1) freezing orders (1) fundamental human rights and transgender identity.  (1) fundamental rights (3) fundamental rights of the european convention on human rights and the european charter of human rights (1) fundamental rights, right to health, vaccination, covid-19, pandemic, constitutional justice, democracy, rule of law, federalism, regional decentralization, local authorities (1) fundamental social rights (3)

gai institutiones (1) gatekeeper (1) gender issues (1) general principles (2) genetically modified organisms (1) genocide (1) global administrative law (1) glossators hypertexti (1) good faith (1) good government, types of state and theories of tax justice in the italian tradition in public finance. (1) governance (2) government (1)

health protection and health systems. (1) hermeneutics (1) history of citizenship and human rights (1) history of criminal law (1) history of economic thought (1) history of italian costitution (2) history of legal thought (1) history of medieval and modern law (1) history of medieval, modern and contemporary law  (1) history of political institutions (2) history of relationships between state and religious denominations (1) history of religious institutions (1) history of rights over the body (1) history of universities (1) history of universitis (1) human genetics (1) human rights (5)

in diem addictio (1) in vitro fertilisation (1) informed consent (1) innovation (1) insolvency law (1) institutional economics (1) institutionalized solidarity (1) institutions (1) intellectual professions (1) intellectual property law (1) international and european criminal law (1) international courts (2) international human rights law (1) international jurisdiction (1) international law (1) international law in domestic courts (1) international law of human rights (1) international maritime law (1) international organizations (1) international, international organization and european integration law (1) internet (1) invention (1) investigations (1) italian colonial experience in libya (1) italian racial laws (1) iurare in leges (1) iusiurandum (1)

judge' (1) judicial cooperation in criminal matters (1) judicial power (1) juridic culture in the medieval schools of law (1) jurisdiction (1)

labor law (1) labour (1) latini iuniani (1) law & (1) law and ecology. (1) law and food (1) law and freedom in liberal thought (1) law and literature (2) law and psychoanalysis (1) law and religion (1) law courts (1) law of evidence (2) leadership (2) legal construction of the individual (1) legal history (3) legal interpretation (1) legal systems (1) legal theory (1) legality in criminal law and eu law (1) legality principle (1) legata. (1) lex commissoria (1) lex mercatoria (1) lex voconia (1) liability (1) libertas (1) locatio-conductio (1) locationes (1)

mafia (1) magistratus (1) management (1) manumissio (1) margin of appreciation (1) marriage (2) maternity (1) media (2) medical liability (1) medieval and modern history of criminal law (1) memorial laws (1) mentality and culture (1) migration and refugee law (1) migration law (1) milites (1) missio in possessionem (1) modifications of the charge (1) monetary circuit (1) money (2) moral theology (1) mortis causa capere (1) multilevel protection (1) munera-ultro tributa (1) mutual recognition of judicial decisions in the eu (1)

natural law (1) negationism (1) negatoria (1) network contract (1) new media (1) new technologies (1) non nobis (1) non nobis domine (1) non-discrimination (1) non-pecuniary damage (1) normativity (1) notitia criminis (1) nulla poena sine culpa (1)

obligatio naturalis senatusconsultum macedonianum (1) obligations and civil liability (1) organized crime (2) outsourcing of public activities (1)

parental leave (1) parliament (1) part-time (1) patent (1) patrimonium (1) peculium (1) penitentiary administration system (1) people and family (1) performance evaluation (1) philosophy of law and philosophy of economics (1) pluralism (1) political integration in europe (1) political obligation (1) political parties (1) political representatiojn (1) political systems and institutions (1) positivism and juridic culture (1) postmodern legal theories (1) potestati subiecti (1) powers of the employer (1) praefectus praetorio (1) praetores (1) princeps (2) principles and fundamental categories of criminal law (1) privacy. (1) private law of biotechnology (1) privilege against self-incrimination, criminal proceedings in common law systems, juvenile justice, mediation and restorative justice (1) procedural aspects of family law (1) procedural rights in the eu (1) promissiodictator (1) prosumer (1) provinces (1) provinciae (1) psychiatry (1) psychoanalysis (1) public administration (3) public administration and civil trials (1) public employment (1) public employment services (1) public expenditure (1) public finance (1) public international law (1) public law (1) public management (1) public sector jobs (1) public services. (1) public word (1)

querella inofficiosi testamenti (1)

real estate to build (1) reciprocity, exchange and gift (1) referendum (1) regional systems (1) regulation (1) regulatory law (1) relations among jurisdictions (1) relationship between civil enforcement and tax enforcement (1) relationship between state and catholic churc and the others churchs, papal diplomacy, social doctrine of the church, economy-war-integral ecology (1) reliance and bargain (1) religious freedom (1) religious laws (1) renegotiation (1) res (1) res iudicata (1) restructuring (1) right to privacy (from the right to be let alone to data protection) (1) right to proof (1) right to silence and  (1) right to work (1) risk regulation (1) rite (1) roman law informatics (1) roman law, legal informatics (1) rule of law and constitutional tax principles (1)

s fraud (1) s office (eppo):  (1) s rights (1) secrets (1) self-contained regimes (1) self-employment and in-work poverty. (1) selfdetermination (1) semiotics (1) senatus (1) senatusconsulta (1) sensory history (1) separation and divorce (1) shoah (1) simulation (1) sindicus (1) smart working (1) social regulation (1) social rights (3) soft law (1) solidarity (1) sources integration of the contract (1) sources of law (1) sovereignity (1) sovereignty (1) special status regions (especially, sicily) (1) sponsio-fidepromissio-fideiussio (1) sponsorship (1) sports law (1) sports procedural law. (1) sports work (1) states (1) strategy (1) strike (2) subjectivity (1) subsidiarity (2) succession law (1) suprantaional ne bis in idem (1) surrogacy (1) sustainable development. (1) sustainable tourism and land management (1)

tax assessment (1) tax collection (1) tax exaction (1) tax guarantees (1) tax law (1) tax process (2) taxation, tax evasion, public finance, regional economics (1) taxes (1) taxes and tax expenditures (1) technology and ethics (1) territory (1) terrorism (1) testamenta publica (1) the european public prosecutor's office. (1) the relationship between substantive and procedural criminal law (1) theories of justice and tax justice (1) theory of norm and theory of governance (1) third sector entities (1) tort (1) tort. (1) trade union law (1) trademark (1) transnational collective negotiation (1) transnational law (1) transnational mobility (1) transnational mobility of workers (1) trial in absentia, penitentiary law (1)

unesco (1) unfair competition law (1) unicef (1) united nations (1) university management (1) ususfructus (1)

value judgments (1) verification of jurisdiction (1) vulnerability (1)

war crimes (1) welfare state (1) wire tappings (1) witness (1) women' (1) women's work (1) work contract (1) work process (1) work-life balance.  (1) workers' participation (1) workers' representation in the workplace (1)