2016-2017 Visitors

Foto Vasilka Sancin


VASILKA SANCIN |  University of Ljubljana | Erasmus Professor | September 2017

Vasilka Sancin is a Vice-Dean for Quality Assurance, a Head of the Department of International Law and a Director of the Institute for International Law and International Relations at the Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana. She is an Associate professor of International Law and teaches courses in the field of Public International Law.

She is also a Conference Chair of a series of biannual scientific interdisciplinary conferences on R2P (Responsibility to Protect in Theory and Practice Conferences – www.r2pconference.com) and a President of the Slovene Branch of the International Law Association.

Saša Zagorc

Saša Zagorc  | University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Law |  Maggio-Agosto 2017

Saša Zagorc (sasa.zagorc@pf.uni-lj.si) is professor and head of the department for constitutional law at the Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana. He lectures Constitutional law, European constitutional law and European human rights law courses. From 2003, he also coordinates and lectures at the “Legal clinic for foreigners and refugees”. He is member of Odysseus Network, academic network for legal studies in migration and asylum in Europe. He also likes sports and Italian cuisine.

MARÍA JESÚS PEÑAS MOYANO | Universidad de Valladolid | Abril 2017

Doctora en Derecho por la Universidad de Valladolid (1996), Profesora Titular de Derecho Mercantil (1997) y Catedrática acreditada (2016).

Ha impartido conferencias y Cursos de Postgrado en varias Universidades españolas, europeas (Lille, Lisboa, Coimbra, Roma, Lecce, Bari, Trento, Pavía…) e iberoamericanas (Bolivia, Nicaragua) y participado en Congresos relativos a la Unión Europea, Mercosur, Derecho concursal, Sociedades, Banca y Seguros y contratación mercantil. Ha intervenido en varios Proyectos de Investigación financiados por la Junta de Castilla  y León y el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad.

Autora de dos monografías, numerosos capítulos de libros, artículos doctrinales, comentarios legales, de Jurisprudencia y recensiones en los diversos ámbitos del Derecho mercantil.

Secretaria de la Revista de Derecho del Mercado de Valores, publicada por la editorial La Ley, Grupo Wolters Kluwer, y miembro del Comité ejecutivo de la Revista de Derecho de Sociedades, editorial Thomson-Aranzadi.

Asesor técnico y colaborador permanente de la Editorial jurídica Lex Nova, integrada en  la editorial Thomson-Aranzadi. y coautor de la base de datos Derecho Mercantil, seleccionada reiteradamente por el Consejo General del Poder Judicial, para su consulta, por el cuerpo de Jueces y Magistrados.

Foto Zvonimir

ZVONIMIR JELINIĆ | University of Osijek | Clinical Staff Visitors |  January 2017

Dr. Zvonimir Jelinic is Assistant Professor at the Department of Civil Law and Civil Procedure Law at the J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek - Faculty of Law in Croatia. 
He teaches civil procedure, law of enforcement and related courses. He also serves as director of the clinical project “Osijek PRO BONO”. A fact worthy of attention is that the Legal Clinic “Osijek PRO BONO” is not his first clinical engagement, but he was participating in laying foundation of other clinical projects in the early 2000s. 

So far Dr. Jelinic has participated in several speaking, lecturing and training engagements in Croatia and abroad. He is a member of Global Alliance for Justice Education, the European Law Institute, Croatian Academy of Legal Sciences, US Alumni Community of Croatia. 

Until today, Dr. Jelinic had published more than twenty-five papers on different topics. Besides he is very dedicated to his clinical project, at the moment he is directing his research interests to different issues in relation to the system of courts and access to justice, the ways lawyers charge their fees and efficiency of civil litigation as well as to different issues in connection to bankruptcy law and the law of arbitration.


Ultima modifica: 
10/10/2017 - 09:07