2023-2024 Visitors


Marta Czakowska | May 2024
Lawyer – attorney-at-law, pedagogue, PhD in law (2016)
Assistant Professor at the Law Institute of Kujavy and Pomorze University in Bydgoszcz. Head of the Law Clinic.
She is the secretary of the editorial office of the scientific journal ,,Studies in the field of the legal sciences. Miscellanea ''. This journal is recorded on the list of scientific journals of the Minister of Science and Higher Education.
Academic ombudsman at the University
Member of the Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law in Bydgoszcz.
Member of the Disciplinary Committee for Academic Teachers at the Minister of Education and Science.
An expert in the Parliamentary Group for Reform of the Electoral Code
Research interests concentrate on electoral system in selected european countries, principles of political system of the state, fundamentals of election law, constitutional human rights and freedoms , the system of high eduction , election administraton system, educational law.

Michal Czakowski

Michal Czakowski | May 2024
PhD in Safety Sciences, Master of Law. He completed doctoral studies in the field of legal sciences, post-graduate studies in the field of pedagogical preparation and in the field of education management, preschool and early school education. Appointed teacher. He focuses his research interests on the broadly understood issues of security science, electoral law with the aspect of using new technologies in the election process. He also includes administrative law - in particular the issues of electronic administration - to the scientific trend. Author and co-author of publications on the following issues: election law, constitutional law, system law, administrative law, family law, national security, internal security. His scientific achievements lie in the discipline of legal science and the science of politics and administration as well as security sciences.

Alexander Jansen

Alexander Jansen | April 2024
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Universität Bonn - Instituts für Deutsche und Rheinische Rechtsgeschichte und Bürgerliches Rech Bonn (Germany). All info

Denga Michael
Michael Denga | February 2024

Michael Denga (PhD) has held a Chair in Civil and Commercial Law at the University of Halle-Wittenberg since 2022. From 2018 to 2022, he was a research assistant at the Chair of Civil and Commercial Law of Prof. Dr. Stefan Grundmann at Humboldt Berlin. With his habilitation in 2022, he obtained a teaching qualification for the subjects of civil law, commercial law, intellectual property law, computer law and European private and commercial law. He was also a fellow at the Weizenbaum Institute (The German Internet Institute) and at the European New School of Digital Studies. After qualifying as a lawyer in 2012, he obtained Master of Laws (LL.M.) degrees from Université Paris II and King's College London. He obtained his doctorate in copyright law in 2014. 
He has experience in different areas of law, in particular computer and commercial law, digitisation law, European law, intellectual property law and company law.
His habilitation thesis was on the topic of attribution, framed in the Kelsenian system of legal theory and proposed as a normative act of judgment combining the classical themes of civil liability and justification of property with modern issues of liability for AI and in globalised supply chains. All info 

Cristina Cazorla Gonzalez | September 2023

PhD Student from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain)

Raquel Coterillo Laso | October 2023
PhD Student from the University of  Cantabria (Spain)


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07/05/2024 - 13:38