Courses in English


The Law Department, the oldest one among the Schools of the University of Catania, was established in the XIV century and its old and renowned tradition has been widely appreciated up to the present. Its faculty represents an important point of reference and a centre of excellence for the Sicilian and Italian cultural and professional élites, promoting and practicing an ethos of teaching and research highly valued in the context of legal studies and global legal education. 

The Law School's reputation for teaching and research methods and quality involving a wide range of legal disciplines in many specialized fields, has significantly contributed to the distinctive  tradition of Italian academic education, focusing on a growing range of topics and issues designed to develop highly qualified knowledges and skills for critically understanding the contemporary world. The Law School’s teaching programme is not only aimed at providing our students with an in-depth knowledge of contents, structures and interactions of legal systems, but also at allowing them to understand and to manage these dynamics, acquiring the tools needed to respond to an extremely competitive and even more "globalized" labour market.

Besides a wide range of courses in Italian the Department of Law offers a number of courses in English. 

The main objective of the  English Courses catalogue is  to offer both Italian and exchange students the opportunity to attend optional classes  proposing an in-depth knowledge of specific aspects of Italian, comparative, EU and International Law. 

While there are no formal language requirements, an upper intermediate level in English (CEFRL level B2) is deemed appropriate.

ECTS/CFU    Hours         Courses

7                       42          Comparative criminal procedure

7                       42          Consumer contract law 

7                       42          European intellectual property law

7                       42          European Labour law

7                       42          International judicial cooperation in criminal matters

7                       42          Legal theory

7                       42          Multilevel constitutionalism

7                       42          Roman Public Law

7                       42          Selected topics in international criminal law

7                       42          Transnational Law


Information on the teaching programmes