Candidates engagements, research work and final assessment

Visiting fellowships | Ph.D. Candidates have to regularly attend the programme schedule and carry out their research work through the assigned facilities and carrels at the Law Department. They are required to carry out their research programmes abroad (three/six months minimum) visiting foreign and international research institutions under the supervision of the PhD management and in case, external academic mentors (please check the list of conventions and agreements for research mobility).

External academics (not being part of the Doctoral Programme Management) can be assigned as co-supervisors of PhD candidates as to oversee their research agenda together with the internal   Committee supervisor (see below at Internationalization)

Internships | Ph.D. Candidates are encouraged to build individualized research and professional tracks also by applying for internships in Italian or foreign research institutions, law firms, public or private companies, international and supranational bodies, and to develop teamwork competences and professional / academic networking skills in areas related to their research fields, also through periodic reporting and editorial responsibilities.

Periodic Reports & Publishing | Compulsory attendance of the PhD training and teaching program includes periodic presentations and reporting of in-progress research steps subject to internal and external evaluations, as well as methodology workshops, research networking and publishing working sessions.

Ph.D. Candidates will discuss every year a detailed report on the advancement of their research work and final Ph.D. thesis, both in Italian and in English.

Their research deliverables and final PhD. thesis is duly evaluated by the Ph.D. Teaching Committee each academic year and eventually submitted and discussed before a final assessment Committee appointed in compliance with the Ph.D. Courses Regulations for the final exams.


Ultima modifica: 
31/08/2016 - 10:17